LAFVIN Basic Starter Kit for ESP32 ESP-32S WIFI I OT Development Board for Arduino Project Learning Kit with Tutorials

Package list:
1 X ESP32 Development Board
1 X 0.96 in OLED
1 X 830 Tie-Pointes Breadboard
1 X Obstacle Avoidance Module
1 X Photesensitive Resistor Module
1 X DHT11 Temprerature and Humidity Module
1 X HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
1 X Potentiometer(10K)
1 X Micro USB Cable
30 X Resistor(220R/1K/10K)
1 X Passive Buzzer
1 X Active Buzzer
1 X 5V 2-Channel Relay Module
6 X Button Switch
10 X F-M Dupont Cable
10 X F-F Dupont Cable
10 X M-M Dupont Cable
5 X LED Red
5 X LED Yellow
5 X LED Green
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