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Weevil Eye DIY Electronic Beginner Learn To Solder Fun Kit Handmade Gift (Red. Yellow. Green White Blue Black Purple )


SKU: 3256802950236508 Categories: , ,

Once the Weevil Eye is soldered, we can test the board’s functionality.

• Put the 20mm coin cell battery into the battery holder, positive side up.

• If it’s dark, you should see the LEDs light up. If not, cover the sensor with your finger to test.

• If your Weevil’s eyes aren’t lighting up, don’t worry! Start with some simple troubleshooting. Check your solder joints to make sure your components have a good connection to your board – solder should flow into the board and not ball up around the component’s pins. Also check to make sure your transistor and LEDs are correctly oriented!

1 x WeevilEye PCB

2 x LEDs(Random color )

1 x 47k Ohm Resistor

1 x Miniature Photocell

1 x 20mm Coin Cell Battery Holder(Batteries not included)

1 x 2N3904 Transistor

2 x 220 Ohm Resistors